3 proven ways to remove greasy stains from walls

22 of February '22

Grease stains on any surface can be a terrible problem. Above all, they are difficult to remove. The kitchen is the most common room in the house where greasy stains appear due to cooking and frying. It's not just individual splashes that are worrisome. Over time, an almost invisible layer can appear, gradually collecting on walls and other surfaces. The longer the grease remains on any surface, the more difficult it is to remove. However, grease on the wall is not the end of the world. We present proven ways to remove greasy stains from walls.

Podczas wykańczania kuchni warto pomyśleć o ochronie ścian nad blatami, szczególnie w okolicach pieca i zlewozmywaka

When designing your kitchen, think about protecting the walls above the countertops, especially around the stove and sink

© Andrea Davis

The forewarned is always insured!

Sometimes a coat of grease-resistant paint is the best solution. Such paint may be a tad more expensive, but it's certainly a good investment to keep the kitchen looking fresh even after several years. Often it is enough just to wipe such a wall with a cloth or a slightly dampened sponge to remove newly formed stains. However, if our paint is not stain-resistant, we can try one of the home remedies shown:

Dishwashing liquid

If the greasy stains on the walls were formed before our eyes, this method is very effective. You just need to act fast enough.

  • We moisten a sponge and pour a little dish liquid on it

  • We squeeze the sponge several times so that foam is formed

  • Wipe the place where the stain was formed

  • Wait 15 minutes - in the meantime rinse the sponge thoroughly

  • Wipe the spot with a clean damp sponge

Shaving foam or glass cleaner

On a daily basis they have quite different tasks, but they cope equally well with greasy stains on walls. The method of application of both agents looks the same.

  • We apply the foam to the stain or splash it with glass liquid and leave it for 10 - 20 minutes.

  • After waiting, we wipe the spot with a damp cloth and wait for it to dry.

Baking soda

This powder has already helped us clean the iron, washing machine and even bothersome stains on the cooktop. Now it's time for greasy stains.

  • To use baking soda, we must first prepare a paste from it - diluting warm water with the powder. We should get a concise consistency.

  • We rub the paste into the greasy stain.

  • We gently scrub the stain with a brush or sponge until it disappears.

  • Wipe the spot with a damp cloth.

Greasy stain on the wall - why not paint over it?

Often, when stains appear on the walls, our first thought - just repaint. Unfortunately, not in this case! Oily stains can be visible even on a new layer of paint. If we want to avoid this, we need to properly prepare the surface.
If the greasy stain on the wall is not too deep, it is enough to rub off the outer layer of the old paint with sandpaper - only after this can the surface be painted. The real problem arises when the grease penetrates deeper into the wall. If all previous methods have failed and the stain is still visible, you can lightly break up the wall and remove the paint along with the plaster. The hole should then be filled with fresh plaster and the surface primed. Only then can we paint over the stain.

Elaboration: Dominika Tyrlik

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